Our Articles with e-Commerce Topics

Archives of our blogs and news coverage for e-Commerce topics.

How to Become An Airbnb Superhost: The Important Factors (Update 2024)

About one-tenth of millions of Airbnb hosts around the world enjoy the prestigious Airbnb Superhost status. Let’s find out how to become one of them.
responsiveness host

How to be A Responsive Host in Airbnb for a Better Conversion?

Being a responsive host means promptly replying to inquiries and answering to guests’ messages during their stay until they check out.
Online Travel Agent for Villa: Which is the Best?

Online Travel Agent for Villa: Which is the Best?

Using an online travel agent’s platform is one of the best ways to sell your rental property. Discover which one is the best for you in this article!
Enhancing the User Experience in Villa E-Commerce

Enhancing the User Experience in Villa E-Commerce: A Guide to Captivate The Guests

Understand the power of user experience to transform your villa e-commerce platform. Discover actionable strategies to captivate guests, boost bookings, and cultivate a loyal clientele.

Mastering the OTA Landscape: Maximizing Your Rental Property’s Potential

Dive deep into the world of Online Travel Agents (OTAs) and discover how they can leverage your rental property’s success.

Essential Strategies for Successful Villa E-Commerce

Unlock the secrets of prosperous villa e-commerce with these essential strategies for success.
increase average daily rate

9 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Vacation Rental’s Average Daily Rate

Tired of having low rental rates for your vacation property? Discover 9 effective strategies to increase your average daily rate and maximize your earnings.
man finishes his rental property booking through mobile phone

Channel Manager: Why You Should Use it for Your Vacation Rental

A channel manager allows you to connect your villa with many booking sites and OTAs. Read here to know more about channel manager.
Property Management System

How to Choose the Right PMS ( Property Management System ) for Your Property?

Recent developments in the modern hospitality business have shown that villas can hardly be run without a Property Management System (PMS).
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